Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Matthew 5:38-48 "An Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth: The Truth Revealed"

Again, Jesus gives the correct understanding of these verses, correcting a wrong view of this principle. We are told not to take revenge.

Matthew 5:33-37 "A Biblical Look at Vows"

We learn the biblical view on vows and some misconceptions surrounding these verses.

Luke 18:9-14 "The Pharisee and the Publican: Who Gained Righteousness?"

This sermon describes the Pharisee and then the Publican and the biblical description of righteousness.

Matthew 5:27-32 "Divorce"

A look at the biblical view of divorce.

Matthew 5:29-30 "Mortification of Sin by the Christian"

As Christians we have to understand and believe how deep sin remains in our nature and that we need to morify it daily.

John 17:1-3, 20-23 "A Prayer for Unity in the Church"

Jesus wanted the world to be gathered together into churches and to be one in those churches.

Matthew 5:27-28 "The True Interpretation of the 7th Commandment"

Jesus is correcting a false teaching of the Pharisees.

Daniel 11 "Learning from the History of the Bible"

We are reminded of the accuracy of prophecy giving evidence to the truth of God's word.

Daniel 10 "An Appearance of Christ to Daniel in a Prophecy"

A look at various places in scripture where there was an appearance of Jesus Christ.

Daniel 9 "Daniel's Prayer for Israel"

Daniel's prayer to God gives us a wonderful model for us in our prayers.

Daniel 8 "A Prophecy Fortelling Historical Events"

We learn of God's faithfulness to preserve a the Nation who would give us the Seed.

Daniel 7 "The Son of Man"

Fred Malone narrates the vision of Daniel and gives a biblical interpretation.

Daniel 6 "A Recognition of Daniel's Faithfulness"

This is an exposition of the beloved story of Daniel in the Lion's Den.