Saturday, December 31, 2016

12/25/16 Isaiah 9:2-7 "The Greatest Gift"

We are reminded of our temporal blessings and deliverance, and our eternal deliverer.

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12/18/16 Exodus 20:8 "The 4th Commandment: Why do we Need to Give Attention to the Sabbath?"

With debate raging over the importance of the Sabbath, we look at the reason why we need to give attention to it looking at both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

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12/18/16 John 3:16 "God's Gift of Love"

Four Considerations:
the object of God's love
the character of God's love
the gift of God's love
our response to God's love

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12/11/16 Exodus 20:8 "The 4th Commandment: The Importance of Keeping the Sabbath"

There is much debate concerning the Ten Commandments, particularly the 4th commandment. Using the Old Testament this message describes the importance and history behind "keeping the Sabbath."

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12/11/16 John 3:9-18 "The Answer"

Nicodemus asked the question: "How can these things be?" Jesus explains that people need to be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of God. We are reminded that we cannot comprehend God's plan fully. His ways are higher than ours. In this message we see that due to our fallen nature we need to be born again and we can be born again because Christ came to die for sinners and because God loved the world.

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Saturday, December 10, 2016

12/04/16 2 Chronicles 22 "God's Power, Wisdom, and Justice in this World"

God permitted a great evil in this chapter. The people have been let to live according to their own heart and desires. I seems that the evil of man's heart is ruling this situation. As God protects the line of David we are reminded that God is sovereign and he is good. He truly rules over all things.

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11/27/16 Exodus 20:7 "Four Ways We Can Take God's Name in Vain"

4 ways are studied in how we can take God's name in vain. There are many ways we can do this, but in this message 4 ways are discussed.

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

11/27/16 John 3:1-8 The Doctrine of the New Birth

Jesus brings life unto death. Jesus is life even now through the resurrection of dead hearts. We must be born again to enter heaven, there is no other way. There is no other doctrine so important as this one.

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Saturday, December 3, 2016

11/20/16 Exodus 20:7 "You Shall Not Take the Name of God in Vain"

We are looking at the character of God in these Ten Commandments. These commandments are reflective of God. We are reminded of God's love, his mercy, and his character when we study these 10 commandments. They teach us to how love God and how to serve Him.

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11/20/16 2 Timothy 1:8-2:7 "The Long Crimson Line"

The importance of teaching the next generation doctrinal truths. A sermon by Jim Renihan.

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11/13/16 Mark 8:27-36 "The Prosperity Gospel: A Heresy"

The prosperity gospel turns the true gospel on its head. It says that God exists to get what you want in this world. God becomes only a means to happiness, success and prosperity. The prosperity gospel is a gospel of false worship. It is heresy. Is there any of the prosperity gospel in your heart? Are you content with Jesus Christ himself? God is not here for us and our happiness. God is not just a guide for a happier, better life.

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11/13/16 John 2:13-25 Worship and the Cleansing of the Temple

The temple was to be a place of worship. In these verses people were buying and selling in the outer courts. There is a warning here for the churches of today. We can fill our schedules with all kinds of programs. The point of gathering is to come into God's presence. We should do this with fear, reverence and joy.
We learn that Christ is zealous for His house, that this temple is His Father's house, and that Jesus has a holy zeal for justice.
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Saturday, November 12, 2016

11/06/16 John 2:1-11 "Learning of Jesus"

Do you believe Jesus is real? Do you believe he is full of grace and mercy and love? Do you believe what the bible says of him? These verses give us a glimpse or a window into what Jesus is like; a character picture if you will. This is the only place where this story is told in the Bible.

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10/30/16 Genesis 32:22-32 "What Does the Bible Say About Conversion?

Are you converted? Do you know God and His Son, Jesus Christ? Examine yourself as you listen to this message. Wrestle with God as Jacob did.

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

10/30/16 John 1:35-51 "Jesus Calls His Disciples"

In calling His disciples in these verses, Jesus gives us lessons on how we can grow in our own discipleship and Christian walk.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

10/23/16 Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 "What are Wise People Like?

We are born into a broken and painful world full of suffering and, as we are often reminded in Ecclesiastes, full of vanity. One might think after reading through this book of the bible, that nothing matters down here; that nothing we do or say is important. This is not so as we read the last several verses of Ecclesiastes.
In these verses we get a picture of the wise man, and we see three characteristics of a wise man:
1. Wise people find and use the right words.
2. Wise people follow the One Shepherd.
3. Wise people fear God and keep his commandments.

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Saturday, October 29, 2016

10/23/16 John 1:29-34 "Who is Jesus?"

We are encouraged to remember that Jesus is the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." We are encouraged to preach Christ and we are encouraged to meditate on Christ and put Him first in all of our life.
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10/23/16 "The Topic of Assurance"

There are doctrinal foundations for our assurance and it is important for the Christian to understand these. One must ask the question, what is assurance? And then ask, what is the theological basis for this assurance? We must understand the matter of eternal election, how Christ's death redeems us and purchases all for us, and lastly, that Jesus intercedes for us, that all things are worked in us for eternal life.
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10/16/16 Deuteronomy 5:8-10, John 4:19-26 "The Ten Commandments: The 2nd Commandment-How is God to be Worshipped?"

Worship is commanded by God and it is regulated by the scriptures. In this message we take a look at how this commandment if fulfilled in the teachings of Jesus, and how we use can understand the spirit of the 2nd commandment.
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Saturday, October 22, 2016

10/16/16 John 1:19-28 "The Inquisition of John the Baptist"

Using this passage we ask ourselves three things: Are we blinded in our hearts like the Priests and the Levites and the Pharisees? Do we proclaim the excellency of Christ to others? What was John preaching in this passage?
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10/09/16 Exodus 20:4-6 "The Ten Commandments: The 2nd Commandment-What Does it Teach?"

What does the second commandment teach us, particularly about worship? How should we worship God?
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Sunday, October 16, 2016

10/09/16 John 1:14-18 "Understanding the Glories of the Incarnation of Jesus"

This passage teaches us two things:
1. It teaches us abut the incarnation of Jesus
2. It teaches us about the shift from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant

Understanding the Glories of the Incarnation of Jesus

Saturday, October 8, 2016

10/02/16 John 1:4-13 "What is True Life?"

"In Him was life; and the life was the light of men."
In this message we will consider three things:
1. Jesus Christ is the Light of life.
2. John's witness to the Light.
3. Mankind's response to the Light.

What is True Life?

9/25/16 Ecclesiastes 7:15-29 "Wrong Responses to Suffering in This World"

There are four things this passage tells us:
1. Don't be too righteous or too wicked.
2. Why you shouldn't be too righteous.
3. Why you shouldn't be too wicked.
4. There is one who escaped death.

Wrong Responses to Suffering in This World

Saturday, October 1, 2016

9/25/16 John 1:1-3 "5 Aspects of Who Jesus Is"

 What do you think of Christ?
The way you answer that question will determine everything else about you. What you think of Christ shapes your mind and your heart. What you think of Christ shapes your life, and they way you live, and every aspect of your life. In the opening verses of the Gospel of John we see Jesus portrayed to us in 5 distinct ways:
Jesus is eternal, Jesus is the Word, Jesus is a person, He is God, and He is creator.

5 Aspects of Who Jesus Is

Saturday, September 24, 2016

9/18/16 Ephesians 4 "Love and Unity in the Local Church"

"...with all humility and gentleness and patience and love-be diligent to preserve the unity. But how do we do this?

Love and Unity in the Local Church

9/11/16 Exodus 20:1-21 "Knowing the God of the Ten Commandments"

We need to study God to know how to worship Him and how to fulfill the First Commandment. Using the scriptures and the help of the Larger Catechism this message helps the believer understand how to fulfill the 1st commandment and how they might break it.

Knowing God

9/11/16 1 Timothy 4:6-11, 6:3 "Christ's Plan For Building the Church"

Jesus has a plan to build His church: the teaching and proclamation of the truth. His plan is for elders to teach the inspired words of the faith and doctrine. This command is seen in 1 Timothy, and in other Pastoral Epistles written by Paul to Timothy.

Christ's Plan For Building the Church

Friday, September 9, 2016

9/04/16 John 8:31-36 "The Doctrine of Christian Freedom"

There are privileges in Christian Freedom. We have freedom from the doncemnation of the law. We can live free from spiritual and eternal death. We are justified, not by our works or goodness-we are free frm the condemnation of the law. We are free also from the power of Satan. It is good to contemplate such privileges.
The Doctrine of Christian Freedom

8/28/16 Exodus 20:2-3 "The First Commandment: You Shall Have No Other God's Before Me"

The First Commandment

8/28/16 John 14:15 "The Connection Between Law and Love"

The world has all kinds of definitions of love, but there is only one love that is true. What is this love? What does love look like on earth? What is the connection between love and the commandments?
Law and Love

Saturday, September 3, 2016

8/21/16 Exodus 20:1-17 "Introduction to the Ten Commandments"

An Introduction to the Ten Commandments

8/21/16 Hebrews 13:17 "What are the Responsibilities of the Church to its Leaders?"

God has supplied us with pastors to teach us the whole council of God; to teach us how to live as a Christian in a fallen world. We as church members should seek such men for our leaders. And thus we should also ask ourselves such a question:
What are the responsibilities of the church to its leaders?

8/14/16 1 Timothy 1:5 "Love From a Pure Heart"

Last week the message focused on the big picture of God's plan from eternity past to eternity future. This week the focus will be on the simple picture. We are asked to consider what this focus is in terms of God's will for us.
Love From a Pure Heart

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

8/7/16 Psalm 2 "The Big Picture of God's Plan From Eternity Past to Eternity Future"

This Psalm can be divided into 4 parts:
1. Verses 1-3: the rebellion of man against God
2. Verses 4-6: the attitude of God against those who appose Him
3. Verses 7-9: the Messiah's message to all the earth
4. Verses 10-12: a call to heed the warnings

This message is a wonderful one for those who ask the question: Why are the nations in an uproar and the people devising a worthless thing?
Listen Here

Saturday, July 30, 2016

7/24/16 Galatians 6:18 "Understanding the Importance of Grace"

The grace of God that saves is a gift. The same grace that saves, keeps us also.
Understanding the Importance of Grace

6/19/16 Galatians 6:11-14 "We are Saved by Grace Alone, Through Faith in Christ"

A reminder that we are tempted in every way to corrupt the grace of God. Seek not the applause of men. Not one ounce of our own righteousness and works is in our salvation.
Saved By Grace Alone

7/10/16 Exodus 18:13-27 "The Doctrine of Church Government"

A look at how the church of the Old Covenant differs from the church of the New Covenant.
The Doctrine of Church Government

Saturday, July 23, 2016

07/17/16 Galatians 6:17 "What does is Mean to 'Bear the Marks of Jesus?' "

"From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus."
In this verse Paul makes a request of the Galatians: do not trouble me. Then, Paul gives his reason: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. What does it mean to bear the marks of Jesus?

Bear the Marks of Jesus

Saturday, July 16, 2016

7/10/16 Galatians 6:16 "Unity and Peace Among Christians"

Paul writes Galatians for many reasons, but one is to provide the church with principles for unity in a local church.

Unity and Peace Among Christians

7/03/16 Galatians 6:14 "The New Birth and the Circumcision of the Heart"

There is no work you can do that will make you closure to God, because sin must be atoned for. Blood must be shed. You must be born from above to see the Kingdom of God--to enter the kingdom of God. No works can earn your way to heaven. You must be born again. You must be made new.

The New Birth and the Circumcision of the Heart

Saturday, July 9, 2016

6/12/16 Galatians 6:9-10 "God's Time"

God has given us a certain amount of time to live. Time is a gift of God to be used as a God designed opportunity. We can never take a vacation from faithful living. In this message we look at time, what it is, and how, as Christians, we should view our time.
God's Time

6/05/16 Acts 10:34-48 "Peter Declares Three Things About Jesus Christ"

In prayer, Peter's life is changed when called to go to Cornelius: a Gentile who has become a believer.
Peter's Declarations About Jesus Christ

Saturday, May 14, 2016

5/01/16 Good Works: What Does This Message Mean?"

First, we look at what this passage does not mean, then we look at what good works are as defined in the scripture.
Good Works Part 1

4/24/16 Galatians 6:7-8 "Several Principles of Sowing and Reaping"

There are several principles discussed by Dr. Fred Malone concerning the verse: Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Principles of Sowing and Reaping

Saturday, April 30, 2016

4/17/16 Exodus 15 "The Song of Moses"

What did Moses teach us in this song?
The Song of Moses

4/17/16 Galatians 6:7-8 "Whatsoever a Man Soweth, That Shall He Also Reap"

We are shown examples of sowing and reaping in the scriptures and then asked: How are you sowing? What are you sowing?
Sowing and Reaping

4/10/16 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 "Excel Still More"

A message by Fred Malone to the Church of Clinton concerning the changes we are undergoing, how to think about them, what should we do, and an encouragement of faithfulness on our part.
Excel Still More

Thursday, April 28, 2016

4/03/16 Exodus 9:22-35 "Two Weapons of God"

As Moses went through the 10 Plagues, he lost the trust in the weapons of men, but learned to trust in the weapons of God: the word of God and praying according to the will of God.
Two Weapons of God

Saturday, April 23, 2016

3/27/16 Galatians 6:5-10 "Whatsoever a Man Sows, That He Shall Also Reap"

There is an accountability to God, that a man cannot escape. This is a warning given by Paul: Be not deceived, God is not mocked. As Christians we need to be active. We must not be led astray by false teachers. We are responsible.
Whatsoever a Man Sows, That He Shall Also Reap

3/27/16 Exodus 14 "The Exodus Event and Salvation"

In this chapter we see how God works salvation in Israel and then we will look forward to the resurrection of Jesus.
The Exodus Even and Salvation

3/20/16 Exodus 11, 12:29-36 "Be Gone, and Bless Me Also"

What are the truths we can glean from this phrase:
Be Gone, and Bless Me Also

3/20/16 Luke 19:36-48 "Jesus Wept"

Jesus' soul was so overcome that his body was racked with sobs. Jesus is reacting to the sins of his people, and understanding that from that which he came, and grieving over the judgement to come.
Why did Jesus burst into tears? What does it mean for us?
Jesus Wept

Friday, April 15, 2016

3/13/16 Exodus 10 "God Apposes the Proud and Gives Grace to the Humble"

In the reading of the 8th and 9th plagues we learn that:
God Apposes the Proud and Gives Grace to the Humble

3/06/16 Exodus 9:22-35 "Moses' Growth in the Lord"

As God sends the Plagues down on Egypt through the hand of Moses, we see a growth in Moses. We are called to look at our own growth as a Christian and the weapons God has given to do our own battle in the world.
Moses' Growth in the Lord

2/28/16 Exodus 9:13-19 "Moses Preaches a Sermon to Pharaoh"

Moses Preaches a Sermon to Pharaoh before the seventh plague is sent.

2/28/16 Galatians 6:1 "The Loving Practice of Church Discipline"

Paul addresses the problems that might come into the church. He answers the question of how we should deal with sin and who should be involved in dealing with outward sins in the church.
The Loving Practice of Church Discipline

Saturday, February 27, 2016

2/14/16 Exodus 8:20-9:7 "The Wisdom of God as Revealed in the 4th and 5th Plagues"

The Wisdom of God

2/14/16 Galatains 5:24-26 "Mortification of Sin"

How does the Christian mortify the sins of the body?
An example in the bible is given on how we do this.

Mortification of Sin

2/07/16 Galatians 5:24-25 "Walking by the Spirit"

These two verses describe the Christian life.  We now live by the Spirit, the Spirit that lives within us, illuminating our minds.  What does it mean to walk by the Spirit?  How do we walk by the Spirit?

Walking by the Spirit

Saturday, February 20, 2016

1/31/16 Acts 5:24 "Crucify the Flesh"

Who are those owned by Christ?
What does it mean to crucify the flesh?

Crucify the Flesh

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Saturday, January 9, 2016

1/03/16 Galatians 5:23 "Against Such There is No Law"

An expository of the place of the law in the Christian's life.
Against Such There is No Law

12/27/15 Galatians 5:23 "Grow in the Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control Part 3"

A continuing study at what self control looks like in the Christian's life and how a Christian obtains it.
Self Control Part 3

12/20/15 Revelation 1 "The Context of the Book of Revelation"

The Context of the Book of Revelation

12/20/15 Matthew 1:18-25 "A Look at Joseph: A Righteous, Humble and Faithful Man"

A Look at Joseph

12/13/15 Psalm 73 "A Contrast Between the Psalmist and the Men of this World"

A Contrast

12/13/15 Galatians 5:23 "Grow in the Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control Part 2"

What does self control look like in the life of the believer?
Self Control Part 2

12/13/15 Colossians 2:1-3 "The Assurance of Faith and Salvation"

"What does the bible teach about the assurance of faith and salvation?
The Assurance of Faith and Salvation

12/06/15 Galatians 5:23 "Grow in the Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control Part 1"

Self Control Part 1

Thursday, January 7, 2016

11/29/15 Exodus 6:9-30 "How Does God Display His Power and His Goodness?

How Does God Display His Power and His Goodness?

11/29/15 Galatians 5:23 "Grow in the Fruit of the Spirit: Meekness Part 3"

How does someone grow in meekness?
Meekness Part 3

11/22/15 Exodus 6 "Two Truths that the Exodus Reveals"

Two Truths that the Exodus Reveals

11/22/15 Galatians 5:23 "Grow in the Fruit of the Spirit: Meekness Part 2"

In this message we look at three examples of meekness in the scriptures.
Meekness Part 2

11/15/15 Galatians 5:23 "Grow in the Fruit of the Spirit: Meekness Part 1"

We are reminded that meekness is not weakness, that God is meek, and that meekness is the mark of the true Christian.
Meekness Part 1

10/25/15 Exodus 4 "The Weapons of Warfare"

God schools Moses on the weapons of warfare that he was to use against Pharaoh.
The Weapons of Warfare

10/18/15 Exodus 3:14-15 "Who is the God of the Scriptures?"

The importance of understanding God's identity, His being and His character.
Who is the God of the Scriptures?