Saturday, June 23, 2012

Matthew 7:1-5 "Judge Not, That ye be Not Judged"

Judge not, that ye be not judged: what does this statement mean? What kind of judging is Jesus talking about?

Nehemiah 8 "The Feasts of Booths"

This is a message of a people who, for a time, had a zeal for God's word.

Nehemiah 6 "The Wisdom of Nehemiah Against His Enemies"

Nehemiah deals with enemies of God and enemies against him.

Nehemiah 5 "A Problem that Divided a People"

Nehemiah was governor of Jerusalem but also a spiritual leader as well.

Nehemiah 2-5 "Nehemiah Leads the People to Rebuild the Walls of Jerusalem"

The characteristics of a good leader

Matthew 28:16-20 "The Importance of the Local Church"

A little glimpse into how important the local church is to Jesus Christ and how it was part of the great commission.

Matthew 6:19-34 "The Problem of Little Faith and its Solution"

Three things considered:
1. Continue to seek the kingdom everyday
2. The priority is that you seek this kingdom FIRST
3. This is a complet command

Matthew 6:19-34 "A Treatise on Little Faith"

Three things learned about little faith:
1. Little faith is still saving faith
2. Little faith does not live by faith in the promises of God
3. Little faith can grow into a stronger faith

Matthew 6:19-21 Living by Faith and Sinful Worry

Some things to remember:
1. Do not fear tomorrow
2. God proves everday that he provides for us
3. Do not worry for God is your Father
4. Worrying shows we have little faith

Matthew 6:21-34 "Do Not Lay up For Yourselves Treasures on Earth

In this sermon Fred Malon discusses the command: do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth.  He gives reasons why we should obey this command.