Saturday, February 23, 2013

1/27/13 1 Corinthians 4:14 Disciple Making

Tom Ascol preaches an encouragement to the churches members to enter into the work of disciple making and to live a life of examples where others might follow.

1/20/13 The Holy Spirit in Sanctification Part 2

How do we grow?
How do we become holy?
How do we become more like Christ?

1/13/13 Hebrews 2:5-8 A Little Lower than the Angels

A look into how man is, for now, a little lower than the angels and also, how Christ was made thus for a time, but how now, he is crowned to God's glory.

12/30/12 1 Timothy 4:12 Be an Example in Words

Remember that life and death is in the power of the tongue. Mitch Axsom discusses three ways we can grow in the use of the tongue.

1/13/13 Romans 8:28-30 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit--The Holy Spirit in Sanctification Part 1

A wonderful treatise on God's number one goal for our lives.

12/23/12 Mark 1:1-3, 14-15 Repent and Believe the Gospel

Mitch Axsom looks at three questions:
1. Who is proclaiming these words?
2. What is he commanding us to do?
3. How will this effect our lives?

1/6/13 Luke 4:14-21 Jesus Christ: Fully God and Fully Man

Learning the wonder of Jesus in studying his humility as a Man and how He could be both man and God in one person.