Saturday, December 14, 2013

11/10/13 John 21:1-14 Jesus' Third Appearance to the Apostles

Why was this appearance recorded?
What is the background of this appearance?
What did Jesus say and do?
What lessons can we learn?

11/3/13 John 20:19-31 Doubting Thomas

What was the state of Thomas' mind in these verses?  How did Jesus treat Thomas' unbelief?

10/27/13 Philippians 4 Learning From Paul in Philippains 4

Lessons we learn from Paul in this chapter.

10/20/13 Micah 7:1-10 How do we Battle Against Satan?

Where do you go when you find yourself in heavy spiritual warfare?  Learn of you greatest weapon against Satan.

10/20/13 Philippians 4:1-14 Seven General Commands of Paul

We look at several commands given by Paul in this chapter and how we can keep them.

10/13/13 Micah 6:6-8 The Infinite Distance Between God and Man

God is on high--he is infinitely above us in every way.  How do you know if you have forgotten this truth?

10/13/13 Philippians 3 Teachings on the Contrasts Brought by Paul

There are several contrasts brought by Paul in this chapter. We look at three of them here.

10/06/13 Philippians 2 The Perfect Pattern of Unity

We are called to be on in Christ. We are to have one mind, but we are to remember there are many parts to the body.

9/29/13 Micah 5:10-15 True and Lasting Peace

What kind of peace does Christ bring? How does He bring peace? To whom does he bring peace?

9/29/13 Philipians 1 The Lord Our Helper

In this message Mitch Axsom spends some time thinking about the context of this letter and its core purpose.

9/22/13 Micah 5:3-9 Blessings That Come From the Rule of the Messiah

In this message, Allen Beardmore considers the blessings that the people receive when ruled by the Messiah.

9/22/13 Luke 24:33-53 How did the Resurrection of Jesus Affect the Apostles?

The Apostles were resurrection focused.  The resurrection is the place where our faith becomes real.  It brings together all Jesus' teachings

9/15/13 Micah 5:1-6 The Origins of the Messiah

Jesus coming forth is of old through the promises given to Adam and Eve, Abraham, Jacob and David....Allen Beardmore speaks of the humility and gentleness of the Messiah to come and the purpose to which the Messiah will come.

9/8/13 Micah 4:6-13 The Wisdom of God

God has decreed everything that comes to pass, not simply allowed or permitted, but decreed.  Though God is not the author of sin. So how can this be?