Saturday, December 31, 2016

12/25/16 Isaiah 9:2-7 "The Greatest Gift"

We are reminded of our temporal blessings and deliverance, and our eternal deliverer.

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12/18/16 Exodus 20:8 "The 4th Commandment: Why do we Need to Give Attention to the Sabbath?"

With debate raging over the importance of the Sabbath, we look at the reason why we need to give attention to it looking at both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

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12/18/16 John 3:16 "God's Gift of Love"

Four Considerations:
the object of God's love
the character of God's love
the gift of God's love
our response to God's love

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12/11/16 Exodus 20:8 "The 4th Commandment: The Importance of Keeping the Sabbath"

There is much debate concerning the Ten Commandments, particularly the 4th commandment. Using the Old Testament this message describes the importance and history behind "keeping the Sabbath."

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12/11/16 John 3:9-18 "The Answer"

Nicodemus asked the question: "How can these things be?" Jesus explains that people need to be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of God. We are reminded that we cannot comprehend God's plan fully. His ways are higher than ours. In this message we see that due to our fallen nature we need to be born again and we can be born again because Christ came to die for sinners and because God loved the world.

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Saturday, December 10, 2016

12/04/16 2 Chronicles 22 "God's Power, Wisdom, and Justice in this World"

God permitted a great evil in this chapter. The people have been let to live according to their own heart and desires. I seems that the evil of man's heart is ruling this situation. As God protects the line of David we are reminded that God is sovereign and he is good. He truly rules over all things.

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11/27/16 Exodus 20:7 "Four Ways We Can Take God's Name in Vain"

4 ways are studied in how we can take God's name in vain. There are many ways we can do this, but in this message 4 ways are discussed.

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

11/27/16 John 3:1-8 The Doctrine of the New Birth

Jesus brings life unto death. Jesus is life even now through the resurrection of dead hearts. We must be born again to enter heaven, there is no other way. There is no other doctrine so important as this one.

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Saturday, December 3, 2016

11/20/16 Exodus 20:7 "You Shall Not Take the Name of God in Vain"

We are looking at the character of God in these Ten Commandments. These commandments are reflective of God. We are reminded of God's love, his mercy, and his character when we study these 10 commandments. They teach us to how love God and how to serve Him.

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11/20/16 2 Timothy 1:8-2:7 "The Long Crimson Line"

The importance of teaching the next generation doctrinal truths. A sermon by Jim Renihan.

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11/13/16 Mark 8:27-36 "The Prosperity Gospel: A Heresy"

The prosperity gospel turns the true gospel on its head. It says that God exists to get what you want in this world. God becomes only a means to happiness, success and prosperity. The prosperity gospel is a gospel of false worship. It is heresy. Is there any of the prosperity gospel in your heart? Are you content with Jesus Christ himself? God is not here for us and our happiness. God is not just a guide for a happier, better life.

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11/13/16 John 2:13-25 Worship and the Cleansing of the Temple

The temple was to be a place of worship. In these verses people were buying and selling in the outer courts. There is a warning here for the churches of today. We can fill our schedules with all kinds of programs. The point of gathering is to come into God's presence. We should do this with fear, reverence and joy.
We learn that Christ is zealous for His house, that this temple is His Father's house, and that Jesus has a holy zeal for justice.
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